Spot satellite data download

Viirs data complement modis fire detections but the improved spatial resolution of the 375 m data provides a greater response over fires of relatively small. Spot satellite communication devices saved by spot. The spot satellite earth observation system was designed by the centre national. Toulouse, france each spot satellite data collection pass lasts approximately 10 minutes with a constant viewing configuration. Spot 6 and 7 ensure the data continuity with the no longer operational spot 5 satellite. Spot5 was the fifth satellite in the spot series of cnes, introducing the new generation hrg high resolution geometric and hrs high. France to make older spot images available to researchers.

You have benthic, elevation, imagery, land cover and socioeconomic data. For more information on spot s network of operation, see the spot image homepage. The spot6 and spot7 satellites were launched to obtain wideswath high resolution imagery and currently cooperate work with pleiades 1a1b. Is there a link for free spot imagery for research work. Spot products monitor your location, connecting to emergency responders while out of cellular range. Spot5 mission includes two hrg high geometric resolution optical. Spot 6, launched in september, 2012, is a high resolution optical earth observation satellite delivering, 1. You might consider to use the free landsat8 data instead.

Both satellites have drawn on technological and operational innovations conceived for the pleiades constellation very agile platform based on new minisatellite generation. Spot6 and 7 copernicus space component data access. A spot satellite acquisition covers large areas in a single pass at resolutions up to 1. You get a range of free satellite imagery to choose from such as radar, infrared and true color composites. Lesson 2 downloading free irs satellite data from bhuvan. Paris the french government has agreed to open its spot optical earth observation data archive and distribute, free of charge to noncommercial users, spot satellite data. Am involved in a research that requires use of satellite imagery, who knows the link that i can use to get the free spot imagery for. Spot6 and 7 cscda copernicus space component data access. Spot5 hrghrs archive browse data products earth online. This lesson by professor chinmaya s rathore demonstrates how to download free indian remote sensing satellite imagery for india from the open data. Guys how to download spot data is it freely avilable. The spot archive contains more than 100 billion square kilometres acquired since 1986, a unique database for temporal evolution monitoring. Spot 7 genuine constellation, beyond ensuring service continuity from the spot family, will now bring new capabilities especially in terms of sharpness, responsiveness and collection capacity. For usgs free satellite image download, you will need to install the bulk download application.

Depending on the sensor, various data products can be downloaded level1,2,3, natural color imagery, thermal imagery, etc. The spot data were transmitted in direct recording mode to two ground receiving stations in north america prince albert and gatineau. The coverage offered by spot 5 is a key asset for applications such as mediumscale mapping at 1. Medium resolution spot data can be used for a range of regional. The spot imagery products offer high resolution over broad areas using the spot satellites. Such precise coverage is ideal for applications at national and regional scales from 1. Usgs eros archive commercial satellites spot historical. Each spot satellite datacollection pass lasts approximately 10 minutes with a. Spot 6 and spot 7 form a constellation of earthimaging optical satellites designed to provide continuity of highresolution, wideswath spot data up to 2023. Spot 6 launched 2012 and spot 7 launched 2014 provide an archive of very high resolution optical acquisition as well as the possibility to task the satellites for new acquisitions.